
The Cheater – Cody Lee Tucker wants to be a newspaper man. Unfortunately, Cody is also a Republican. Then he’s tipped off to what seems like senseless cheating in a barbecue contest by a local Austin politician, and he can’t let it go…

Power, Market, and Asteroids – “Anarcho-Capitalism” works in the asteroid belt, if you refuse to acknowledge the essential definition of ‘government’.

Resentment – A girl in high school proves that kindness corrupts, and absolute kindness corrupts absolutely.

Judging Men – What happens when your ship is overrun by space pirates and your only ally is a spoiled ‘limousine liberal’?

Politically Correct – Cody Lee should have kept his ‘white male privilege’ to himself when he went to a coffee shop in Austin.

Available in e-book format here:

